Sunday, July 6, 2008

Birds of Prey

Do you guys know about raptors? They're also called "birds of prey." You should ... because they're pretty neat. The bald eagle is a raptor, so it's an
appropriate topic for the 4th of July celebration ... don't you think?

This feller being held by a human guy in a red, white, and blue shirt is a very common black hawk.

Then this guy is called a red-tail hawk.

They tell me there actually are some 240 species of hawks and they are located all over the world. They like to eat rodents, so they're very useful for you human folks. I don't think they like to eat frogs (GULP!), but I'd sure hide if I saw one flying around.

Other raptors are falcons and owls and vultures, and there are all sorts of others. And they are really friends of you human guys.

You can learn more by going to the website, so they tell me.

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